This series explores selected Psalms, starting with an introduction to the book of Psalms and its theological significance. It focuses primarily on Psalms 1, 2, 37, and 49, while also touching on imprecatory elements found in these and other Psalms. The series aims to help listeners understand the Psalms' relevance for Christian life and worship today.

First Episodes

Introduction to Imprecatory Psalms (Selected Psalms)

Pastor Jim starts a new series on the Imprecatory Psalms with this lesson. This is a brief explanation of the issues surrounding imprecations (curses) in Scripture gen...

Introduction to the Psalms, Part 1 (Selected Psalms)

An introduction to the book of Psalms. We examine the themes, theology, structure, and method of interpreting the Psalms. This will establish the historical and theolo...

Introduction to the Psalms, Part 2 (Selected Psalms)

A look at the structure of the Psalms and the five books that comprise the Psalter. The book's structure tells us something about the theological framework in which we...

The Issues of Imprecation (Selected Psalms)

A look a the frequency and nature of imprecations in Scripture. We consider some of the interpretive challenges we face in dealing with imprecatory Psalms.Suggested Re...

Evaluating Interpretive Approaches (Selected Psalms)

This sermon delves into the interpretive challenges surrounding imprecatory psalms, examining the difficult reconciliation of these calls for divine vengeance with the...

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